24 July 2012

On the hunt...

Hear ye, hear ye…if you have She Laq, contact me!

OMG.  I just found out (I’m apparently a little late to the party) that one of my daily makeup products has been discontinued, for now at least.  I am in need of a new bottle so since Sonia and I were at the mall (yes, again :P), I swung by Macy’s to purchase my She Laq.  Much to my dismay, I was notified that it has been taken off the shelves and is undergoing some R+D…supposedly a new one is to be released in a year or so.  A YEAR?!?!  What do I do until then?!?!  UGH.

So, if you happen to have a fave eye brow sealant, could you please share your secret with me?  I’m on the hunt for a temporary replacement while my precious is being revamped.

I must be slippin’ cause usually I’m in the know on my beauty products…especially my dailies...  :/

Oh the woes of being a woman! :D  Happy Wednesday, friends!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leah - I just read about this one today: http://www.musingsofamuse.com/2012/07/anastasia-beverly-hills-brow-fix-review.html#more-67493

    Also, not sure if you know of this site, but it's where you can read reviews of makeup/skincare/haircare/nail stuff from other people: http://www.makeupalley.com/ (just need to sign up). -Kristin
