28 August 2012


I’m baaack!!!  Well at least for a few days before we depart for a mini vaca to Cabo!

So life has been crazy.  I’m sure it’s been crazy for y’all as well since we each have our own chaos, but the days have just flown by.  I find myself barely getting home in time to shower, do some house chores or maybe read a bit, get to bed past midnight, only to wake up the next day and do it all over again…BUT, as always, God is faithful and has been taking good care of us.

There is one thing, other than time, that has truly put a damper on my blogging.  About 7 weeks ago, my camera broke (I won’t go into details, but for once, it isn’t my fault :P).  Since I don’t have my camera, it’s been hard to capture moments to share on the blog, and let’s be real…no one just wants to read text…booooring, right?!!?  Anyhow, we are on the hunt for a new camera, or we may just get ours fixed, but until then, I’m cameraless and have been totally bummed and unmotivated to blog.  OK – enough with the excuses, camera or not, I gotta get caught up.  I’ve missed you!

So much to tell, so little time, and again, all with no camera.  I’m going to do my best to recap the past couple weeks with “borrowed” pictures, so just bear with me in case the photo doesn’t exactly match the event.  Here we go!

Day trip to Laguna Beach – attended Saddleback church in the morning, then headed down to the beachside for brunch.  Went to Art-a-Fair, Sawdust Festival, Festival of the Arts, and finished the day with Pageant of the Masters!


Celebrated three special birthdays (more to come…)!! 

Our wedding DVD – HOORAY for Addy and Julian at 10th Letter!!!
 Had a special visit from Rocky!
Much needed QT with Wendy <3 

Celebrating God’s new gift to my Cousin Stacy!
“…because that’s what you do with gifts…you give them away.”
Sleepover in the OC, early entry to DCA (Cars Land is AWESOME!), then Disneyland. 
After 10 hours of Disney fun, enjoyed a yummie Tonkatsu dinner
and tasty shaved ice with the fam and Ethan.
And on Friday, headed to Cabo for some much needed R&R…
Have a blessed Tuesday…I know I will as J is visiting!! 

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