20 September 2012

Almost Trick-or-Treat!

O.M.G….can’t wait for 10.31.2012!!!!!!!!!!!!! J  What will you be this year?


17 September 2012

Spend my life with you...

As tired as I am, I promised J a post this weekend so here’s to keeping my word to one of my nearest and dearest.  ;)

This weekend, heck this summer, has gone by in flash.  I can’t believe that in a few weeks, we will be entering into the fall season.  I can’t complain though as this season has been wonderful.  We have traveled, friends and family have delivered little miracles (and/or announced their upcoming deliveries!), birthdays have been celebrated, and a new job has begun for my Mister – hooray! 

And through it all, I have enjoyed sharing every moment of this busy life with my hubby.  In my opinion, a song can say so much, so I want to share a song with you that gives you a glimpse of where my heart is.  The Mister and I heard it the other day and we talked about how we forgot all about this song, but loved it.  Hope it’s not too sappy, but truth be told…no matter how fast and full life gets, I am truly, deeply, utterly thankful for the one man that I get to spend my life with.  Praise God for Sherwin!

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead! XO

Sorry for the poor video quality…it’s the best one I found…don’t you hate it when there is no official music video for a song you love?!?! UGH! :P