05 June 2011

Post #1

Hiyee and welcome!!

I don't even know where to start, and I'm a bullet list kind-of-girl, so I think I'll start with some lists...here we go!

Why I've started blogging:
  • I've been thinking about starting for a looooong time! :)
  • I enjoy writing and sharing, but don't like the fancy hoopla (pictures, wall comments, etc.) that goes into social networking sites (other than Twitter-140 characters of text...fast, easy, low maintenance, gotta love it!)
  • I've been following J's blog (jmiyabe.blogspot.com) and it's inspired me to just bite the bullet and start blogging (thanks J!) 
  • Some big events are coming up (the big 3-0 and getting married), so I thought it'd be kinda cool to document the journey  
Why I'm nervous about blogging:
  • What if I'm a horrible blogger!?
  • I have no idea how to do all this website/html coding stuff
  • My thoughts and feelings are public...I mean I know I decide what to write/share, but there's just something about it being on the internet that makes me nervous.  I know, I'm crazy...I control what gets posted, so what am I all stressed out about?  I don't even know that anyone will ever read my blog!  Crazy I tell you... :P
  • I don't know the rules about blogging, or how to blog correctly.  In preparation (over the past year or so), I've read various articles/posts about what make a good blog...write often, be light, be heavy, the list goes on and on.  I have decided that I think I'll just write as if its my journal - simple and casual, reflecting whatever mood I'm in and posting as often as I have time for. 
My first steps in blogging:
  • Incorporate some of the things I LOVE - pink, Hello Kitty, and verdana font
  • Write my first post :)
We'll see how this blogging thing goes.  Welcome to my life! :)


  1. So excited!! :) Just be yourself and it'll be GREAT!

    You have already have at least one follower4life! :)
    love you! J


  3. Make that 2 followers4life! :)
