25 March 2012

Christmas Year Round

I know it seems odd, a Christmas post in March, but I have to admit, I celebrate Christmas year round.  In no way do I mean to minimize December 25th and the celebration of Jesus' birth, but Christmas is my favorite holiday (for a number of reasons) and I do celebrate it year round.  

There are three major ways that I celebrate:
1.    Thanking the Lord for His son, His sacrifice and for His grace thru which I am redeemed and am a child of God.
2.    Listening to Christmas music!  In the beginning, my co-workers were a little taken aback by my  Christmas playlist being played in the off-season, but now it’s the norm. J
3.    Gifting – one of my love languages is gifts, so why wait for Christmas when you can gift year round!  
That being said, I realized that my blog and I were on vaca during the Christmas season…*sigh*…so I’ve decided to share one of my favorite Christmas music videos (and my love for JB!) with you today, yes in the last week of March. J 
It’s raining today, and I’m sickie, but under the awesome care of the best hubby ever, I’m recovering.   Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and wishing you a blessed week ahead! 


Oh, BTW – wedding was so sweet!  K+R post coming up…amongst other things, I feel totally behind!  Yikes! :P  Until then, “and I was like Baby, Baby, Baby, ooohhh,” oppsie, wrong song… J …I meant, “it’s the most beautiful time of the year…” alalalalala J


  1. so, regarding #3 reason: have you read The 5 Love Languages? and P.S. now I've got JB songs stuck in my head!!!!

    1. yes I have and gifting is my top love language! :) hehehehehe glad I could also "gift" you JB songs in your head!! XOXO

  2. Haha! I haven't finished the book yet. Still reading it here and there. So interesting:)
