18 March 2012

Two of my best friends

Let me begin by saying that I am blessed, and I mean that with all my heart.  God is SO good.  Part of His abundant blessings, come in the form of those He has placed in my life.  I don’t have the words to share the depth of appreciation and love that I feel for those close to my heart.  My plan is to introduce you to them, one by one, at some point along my blogging journey.  J

In the past seven months, I turned 30 and got married, and both those life events have been game changers for me.  It is during those recent life events, mostly the latter, that I’ve realized who two of my best friends are - my Mommy and Daddy.

One of my new life mottos is, “show up for the ones you love.”  Actually, I don’t know that it’s a new belief for me, because I think I’ve always believed that to be true.  Maybe it’s just that I’ve been more aware of how much I believe in that statement, and let me tell ya, Mommy and Daddy have ALWAYS shown up for me.  They are my parents, so I understand that they have parental responsibilities.  However, they have continually shown up for me, far beyond what duty calls for. 

Although I said I’ve recently realized that they are two of my best friends, doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t have realized it earlier.  As far as parenting goes, they haven’t been perfect, but who is?  All I know is that all my life, they have been amazing.  They recently took a two-week trip to Israel and by day two, I was counting down the days until their return. 

Here’s a handful of reasons why they are two of my best friends (not in order of importance or impact J):

§  Went with us to the crazy leap day event at Dland
§  Stood in line with me or for me, on multiple occasions (hello kitty’s birthday party, Jordan’s for Sherwin, black Friday, movie releases, the list goes on…)
§  Our greatest supporters (emotionally and financially), for our wedding (both of them went to wedding shows with me…one time, it was just Daddy, Sherwin and I! J)
§  Went with me to every dress fitting
§  Raised me in the Lord, taught me what unconditional love is and have been an example of God’s faithfulness
§  Accepting of me, Sherwin, and our friends, always welcoming those we love, with open arms
§  They give, and give, and then give some more…they are two of the most generous people I know
§  I can call them anytime, any hour, just to see what they’re up to, ask for advice, or to share my day with them
§  I love to be with them; to run errands, break bread (not because they always pick up the tab! J), play games, hang out 

I praise and thank the Lord for them both, often.  Thank you Mommy and Daddy, for being awesome parents, but even better, best friends.  I love you with all my heart. J

1 comment:

  1. Shouldn't it be FOUR bestfriends????? LOL!!! j/k I second what you wrote! :) Love you!
