11 May 2012

Introducing...Fill in the Blank Fridays!

Addy introduced me to “Fill in the blank Fridays,” courtesy of the little things we do, so here we go!  This week’s theme is health and actually I’ve been dealing with a toe issue (hairline fracture), so although I’m not sick, it’s kinda related. J  I’ve seen some of the other FITBF themes and they seem to be more fun than this one, so stay tuned for future posts, but for today, health it is!  Have a good Mommy's Day weekend (Mommy Day post coming...) everyone and I hope y’all are healthy!

1. On a scale from 1-10 the frequency with which I get sick is...a three.  I actually don’t get sick very often, thank goodness! J

2. The last time I felt sick wassick sick…not sure.  I have had some tummy/digestion issues lately, and was kinda under the weather a few weeks back, but nothing major…so not sure actually. :/ 

3. The worst part about being sick isfeeling horrible because as the little things we do said, “sadly, the world doesn’t stop just because you’re sick!” 

4. When I am sick I like to be taken care of bymy mister.  He is so amazing at taking care of me, not just when I’m sick, but all the time.  I love that man so much and thank the Lord for him!

5. Something I do to keep myself healthy iswell, I used to be better at this in terms of eating better, exercising on a regular basis, etc…but since I got married and especially now with my toe situation, I’m not doing a good job of it!  Thankfully, I haven’t gotten sick though *knock on wood*!

6. A secret remedy that I use when I'm sick is tonot sure I really have any secret remedies. J

7. One thing that always makes me feel better when I'm sick is…a hot shower/bath and medicine.

Oh, and tonight, I’m in for a treat as my girl J is in town and back from vaca. Can’t wait to see her - EXCITED!


  1. me too, me too, me too! Tell Sherwin thanks for letting me have you for a night. =)

  2. boo for the sick blanks this week:( but i thought it was funny that you and i had the same idea for #4!
