12 August 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday - Birthday!

Since the old format of the FitBF has returned, I haven’t had a chance to join in the fun!  This week is birthday themed because Lauren over at thelittlethingswedo is celebrating her birthday today!  It is fitting as my birthday happens to be this month too…so here we go!

1. The age I will be on my upcoming birthday is31 – yipes!

2. The best birthday present ever would be…a MacBook Pro.  That retina display is AH-MAZING and I had to put my oldie but goodie iBook to rest some time ago.  She was awesome though…if I could just get her to update…heehee

3. My favorite birthday to date was…wow…too many to list.  Highlights are probably the normal ones…the sweet 16 birthday bash, 21st in Vegas, 30th in Vegas and all the others in between are precious too because they were spent with loved ones.

4. Birthdays make me feel…joyous!!  I LOVE celebrating birthdays!  My family has always been big on celebrations, and birthdays were even bigger because we were truly praising God for the life of someone we love.  It continues to be the way I feel about birthdays today.  To be with a loved one, to thank God for their life, the special, unique creation they are…it is pure joy.

5. The worst birthday I ever had was…I honestly can’t recall a bad birthday.

6. When I was born…my parents were in the middle of celebrating their anniversary.  They had to leave their own party to have me! 

7. So far my favorite age has been…I’m not sure.  Every age has had its significance, although I’d say that this one might be a special one as it is the first year I will receive a “to my wife” birthday card. :D

Happy week, friends!

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