15 March 2012

Check out my Pa's! Hee hee...:)

There are few trends that are able to take me away from my standard french manis.   In fact, I can count them on one hand, the amount of times I have strayed from my regular.

1.    When dark nails were the craze, I did go black for about a week (but it had a fine glitter in it...very pretty, actually!).
2.    When multi-colorednails started poppin’ up on celebs, I rocked some nail art.
3.    Last but not least, I couldn’t help but give hello kitty some love on the nails (and that was semi because I did have the french underneath…the white tip was her face)! J

I now have a 4th.  Y’all know how I’m a sucker for the dazzle, so it’s no surprise that I’ve fallen in love with these big confetti/glitter-type of nail polishes.  Hongie got me hooked on these Lynnderella nail polishes, but it turns out that you can only buy them if you give up your first born (literally, it’s like a crazy secret society).  Hooray for Pa Nail Polish!  I’ve had a few Pa polishes before, but found recently, their glitter/confetti collection.  I really suck at polishing my own nails, so sorry for the poor quality in the picture (as Wendy would say…good from far, but far from good J).  I also do not have a fancy camera, so that doesn’t help either.
Anyhow, wishing you a wonderful, colorful Thursday filled with all things glittery!  J


  1. Glittery nails is Izzy's dream come true. or "sparklies" as she calls it. but i must say i'm loving the Hello Kitty mani. CUTE!

    1. I know, my neice too!! :) She always asks for sparkles!! :) TOo cutE! You'll have to share picutres of Izzy next time she gets "sparklies" on her nails! What a treat! :)
