truth is that it’s been official since 1.21.2012, but seeing my new married
name in print, on legal documents, is something completely separate.

only thing left is my passport, and since we are traveling out of the country
soon, I thought it would be best to leave it as is for now so I’m not in a
panic if it takes longer than expected.
going to take some getting used to...
§ a new signature...I’m
often clearing the signature pad because I signed incorrectly.
§ hearing people I
don’t know (and do know, I suppose), call me Mrs. S.
§ no one talking to
me about last name (before, 75% of the time, the clerk
would ask me or talk to me about my Japanese last name).
§ clerks at the
Japanese store not giving me the “special bond” treatment when I’m checking out
because my name doesn’t indicate our shared heritage.
§ saying my married
last name when asked what my name is.
my new last name because…
§ it signifies the
bond between my Mister and I.
§ it honors Genesis
§ I love being his
§ in my head, it
makes everything that much more official.
§ the other night, my
Mister told me that my new name, is beautiful.
those of you that know me, the name change was what I was dreading the
most. Now that most things are changed, I’ve
found that the process wasn’t as nearly as painful as I thought it would be
(literally and emotionally). As much as
I loved my maiden name…what it stood for, where I came from, who I was…my
past; my married name has birthed the significance
of a new covenant, stemmed from love and devotion…my future.
With love...
Said so very well Mrs. S:) I love being a Mrs. Isn't it the greatest?!! Yahoo!