15 July 2012

And we’re back – Weekend recap!

We are home from sunny Sacramento!  We flew up on Friday morning and spent the day with Jr. – watched Spiderman, went shopping, then headed home to hang out with the fam bam.  In other words, we made sure to engage in activities that provided shelter from the heat.  :D 

Thoroughly enjoyed Spidey!

Saturday was filled with party preparation, and of course the party itself.  We celebrated two birthdays – Jr. (10) and Nana (90), and it was precious time spent with family.  We shared our wedding photos and answered the baby question about 20 times - no, we are not pregnant yet and no, we won’t be anytime soon.  The girl cousins and I hung out (Sharlene did make-up while I did hair), the aunties, Mom and I played cards, we ate loads of food and yummy cake and just enjoyed one another’s company. 

Then came Sunday morning…and after 2 hours of sleep, we headed to the airport.  Jr.’s flight back to Hawaii departed 9:15am and ours at 8:55am.  It was an emotional morning as Jr. said bye to his Mom, Step-dad, siblings, Mama and Papa (my MIL and FIL).  After lots of hugs, kisses and teary goodbyes, we decided to grab a quick breakfast with Jr. before we had to board.   Then it was our turn to say good bye, and as we walked Jr. to his gate to meet his uncle (who is flying back with him), his tears started to fall.    For those of you that know me, the whole situation is a little complicated and too much to write in this post, but as I turned around one last time to tell Jr. I loved him, his “I love you, too” response made my heart ache.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and praying for a blessed week ahead!

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