30 May 2012

Smile in style!

So remember awhile ago I had written about HP coming out with a HK line?!?  The collection is now available and truth be told, I’m a little disappointed with the selection.  There are only 13 pieces and of the 13, I only LOVE a handful.  On top of all that, the pieces are at premium prices!  I usually don’t mind splurging for HK or some awesome panties but I definitely know I’ve got to just decide on just a few faves.

Below are my picks, but you can see the whole collection here.

Happy hump day, sprinkled with Hanky Panky and Hello Kitty!!

29 May 2012

Weekend Recap - Holiday Edition!

Every Memorial weekend, Sherwin and his friends (plus all the SO’s) try to get together.  Some years have been missed, but the years that weren’t created memorable moments.  This year we all headed to Lake Arrowhead…Mike and Angie flew in from SF, Armand flew in from Denver, and the rest of us headed to the mountains from the LA and OC area.

It was a weekend full of food, fun, shopping, hiking (not for us though because of my toe - booo), Monopoly Deal, and King’s Cup…oh and of course, precious time spent with friends. 

I’ll let the pictures recap the weekend and hoping y’all had a wonderful holiday too!

 On our mini walk since we couldn’t go hiking...

 The girlies preparing chicken dinner!

 Breakfast – mmMmM…

 Close-up of the spread…yikes!

 God’s creation…beautiful.

Saw this and thought of our friends, A+B!

 Another picture of the Lord’s handiwork…gorgeous!

 Mike and Angie grillin’ dinner – so yummy!

 It’s Mike’s birthday next weekend, so Angie made him a Red Velvet cake (it kinda came out lookin’ like a brain…hee hee) – what a good wifey!

 Happy Birthday, Mike (yes, that is Mike, not Manny Paquiao). :P

25 May 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday - Holiday/Vacation Edition!

Since we are entering the holiday weekend, I decided to go off roading a bit and create my own FitBF questions, holiday style!

1.     If I could vacation anywhere this holiday, I would be doing exactly what we’re doing - going to Lake Arrowhead with my Mister and his childhood friends.  I have come to love those guys and their SO’s (1 wife, Angie and 1 gf, Iris).  The boys were all groomsmen and I know the blood that runs deep amongst them, and to be honest, I also just want to be wherever my hubby is, so Viva Lake Arrowhead!

2.    My favorite thing to do on vacation is anything big fun!  Unfortunately with my toe situation, I’m under doctor’s orders to stay off of it, which means no big fun things for me…at least this time around.  L

3.    On a scale of 1-10, the importance of vacationing is a 10+.  We always went on family vacations growing up, and I find deep value in getting away and spending time with some of the people you love the most, so no matter how newlywed broke we are, vacationing is definitely in the budget.

4.    The place I want to visit the most is wowie, there are actually a lot of places that I want to visit!  I hope that in the near future, we will make our way to Europe, Spain or Australia (I love Australia and the Mister has been dying to go)!  Oh and of course, there is always NY.

5.    Our honeymoon is my best vacation memory because there are no words to describe the specialness of it.  Being in a foreign country with my husband (it was so awesome introducing him as such!), starting our mornings with a devotional, realizing every moment that I love this man with every beat of my heart, and being in complete bliss for 2 weeks was euphoric.

What are you up to this holiday weekend?  Whether you’re staycationing or vacationing, I hope it’s relaxing and awesome!  I’ll share events of the weekend if possible, otherwise, see ya next week!

24 May 2012


Ever since our wedding, I’ve become a serious bookworm, like 19-books-in-4-months-and-counting kind of bookworm.   J asked me the other day, why I thought that was, and I realized that I really don’t know.  The answer I concocted was that it’s probably due to having more time…no wedding planning, no 2-a-day workouts, and also I think having our place, where I can peacefully read, has much to do with it too.  For whatever reason, I’m addicted.

My Daddy recently lent (meaning long term loaned) me his Nook, so I’ve been downloading things on that…and since it came from Daddy, I realized my special hand-me-down nookie also came with a subscription (AKA whatever CC Daddy has on file)!  I also have my weekly NY Times and a few mags I subscribe to.

For weeks now, I’ve wanted to get a library card.  I first was inspired by Michelle, who told me she borrows books from the library digitally, and so it sparked my library mission.  I googled the closest library, printed out the application, filled it out, and have been anxiously waiting for the Mister and I to take a trip down to get our cards.  Well folks, today was finally the day! 

I’m 170 pages into my first rental and already want to go back to get more for our holiday trip (we are going to Lake Arrowhead for Memorial Day).  Thank you, LA County Libraries!

Do you read?  Recommend some good reads to me if you do!

22 May 2012

The Katinas

A few weeks ago while I was working and listening to Pandora, a song caught my ear.  I quickly toggled windows to see who was singing and wondered why they were playing r&b music on my worship station.  That was the day I was introduced to The Katinas.  I texted BG earlier this week to tell him about them cause I thought he’d like them too, but apparently, I’m last to the party because he told me they are like way old.

Anyways, after a super long day and hours spent at urgent care for my ongoing toe issue (thank you to my Mister for being the best hubby ever…driving me, waiting, getting my prescriptions, and more…I love you), I am finally unwinding listening to these guys.  What peace they bring to my heart…they are like a gospel Boyz II Men, Samoan style – awesome, right?!?  The video below is actually my 2 fave songs from them.  Enjoy!

Oh and BTW – JB tickets drop tomorrow at noon…hmmmm…..:P

Oh and BTW II – Happy 1st Anniversary to J+J!!!!  Love you both!  An anniversary post coming soon as J and Sonia both celebrated anniversaries this month.  <3 <3 <3

Happy week, y’all!!

21 May 2012

Cray cray!

So just a little story to preface the video below…

Everyone knows that the ladies in our family are crazy.  We are the loudest, most opinionated, and overall the more extroverted ones.  That being said, I guess Lolli Oli didn’t stand much of a chance and even Bubbas seems to recognize the “cray cray” at a very young age.

Hope this clip puts a smile on your face the way it does mine every time I watch it (oh and FYI -Bubbas can't quite say Olivia, so he says Ovia)!  Also wishing that your week isn’t too cray cray!  Holiday coming soon – yippee!

19 May 2012


I realize that my post will be dated for Saturday, but to me, it’s still Friday since it’s 12:18am, plus Addy posted her FITBF on Saturday last week, so hey, it’s all good, right? J

This week is a little more chipper than last week’s health issue, so here we go!

1.  Something that is very near and dear to my heart are my relationships.  My relationship with my heavenly Father, my awesome relationship with my Mister, family, friends, all of them…they are the air that I breathe.

2.  Anything and everything is good cause to celebrate!  I am a big celebrater, from made-up Hallmark holidays like the Sweetest Day, to birthdays, anniversaries, and everything in between.  Life is a blessing, so everyday is good cause to celebrate to me!  

3.  The most fun I ever had was...WOWIE.  There are a lot of BIG FUN moments.  I don’t know that I can choose just one, but ironically I just mentioned tonight to my hubby, how amazing our honeymoon was.  There’s also family vacations, high school/college years, our wedding day, our friend’s wedding days, our dating years…there’s too many moments to choose just one.

4.  True friends are the ones that I can share anything and everything with.  The ones that touch my soul.  True friends are the ones I make time for, and even when life gets crazy and time passes by, we figure out a way to get caught up in between the chaos.  They are the ones I would never want to live life without…they are my “ride-or-die” peeps. J

5.  Something that makes me terribly happy is going to sleep every night and waking up every morning, beside the man who was created just for me, and me for him, by God.

6.  A good way to spend a sunny day is definitely somewhere air conditioned and indoors.  If it’s sunny but not too hot, somewhere outdoors is good too, like maybe a strip mall. :P

7.  My favorite celebratory food is Roman Cucina, Garden CafĂ©, or french fries.  MmMm!  That’s actually kinda my problem…remember how I mentioned that I’m a big celebrater?  No wonder I hate dieting…heheh

Our weekend is packed as my MIL and FIL are down from Northern CA and we are all babysitting my nephew and niece as my SIL and BIL are in NY (so jealous!). 

What are your weekend plans?  Hope they all are awesome!

17 May 2012

A Thankful Thursday...

For some odd reason, as I was showering tonight, I was so overcome with gratitude that I thought I might cry.  I’m actually not much of a crier, so no tears were shed, but my heart was definitely overflowing.  It has inspired my thankful Thursday post.

I’m not quite sure if this will become a regular series on the blog, although having an attitude of gratitude is healthy, but we’re going to give this a go today.
This Thursday, I am thankful for (in no particular order)…

§  God.  Thanking the Lord for all the blessings and provisions that He provides in my life…minute by minute, day by day, 24/7. 

§  The most amazing husband I could ever have prayed for.  I don’t blog much about him specifically, mostly because I don’t want to bore anyone else with the mushy stuff, but he is the greatest mate that God could have provided.  He is selfless, giving, generous, loving, caring, attentive, patient, and a man of God.  He warms my heart every day and I praise God for giving him to me.

§  The best parents in the world.  Thank you for going to the Fantasmic event until 2am with us, for welcoming me home when the internet at my place is out and for SO much more. 

§  Awesome girlfriends.  Being with J until 2am, chatting the night away – time with her is a gift to my soul.  Wendy, whether it’s hanging out on a holiday, or talking on the phone on the way home after her date(s), she makes my heart happy and my life full.  Dinner with Hongie last night – that girl brings me unspeakable joy.  Sonia – the one who brings me peace, encouragement and love on a daily basis.  For all my other girlfriends that I didn’t see this week, I’m grateful for you too!

§  My job.  I know it seems crazy, but I thank God for the opportunity to do what I do, with people that I love, all while in the most comfortable office ever.  Couldn’t ask for anything more.

§  Eden in Love winning first place!  WOO HOO!!!

§  Fun Snail Mail from Addy!  I love snail mail and I received the cutest notecard and letter from Addy this week!  The most wonderful friendship that blossomed from our wedding, no doubt. 

§  My toe getting better..slowly, but it’s on the mend!

§  Those of you that read this blog!  Thank you for joining me in the chaos called life.

§  And last but not least…fabulous family.  I have no words to articulate the deep love and appreciation I have for them all.  I am humbled by their constant support and so grateful for their presence in my life.

Who are you thankful for?  Thank someone today, for being who they are to you!

16 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

As usual, I’m a few days behind, but better late than never.  Time flies and no matter what I do, I always feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day.  So let’s rewind a few days back…

Happy Mother’s Day! 

We began our morning at church with the annual Mother’s Day breakfast.  My Mister had gone to church on Saturday to help prepare the food for Sunday, and also woke up early on Sunday to make and serve omelets (still praising God for my hubby!).  I met Mommy, Daddy and Grandma at church (Mommy and Grandma already sportin’ the fancy corsages Daddy bought for them) and we eagerly got in line for Sherwin’s omelet.  Food was super yummie as usual, but the company around the table was the real treat. 

My Mr. Chef (in his fancy chef coat that Daddy bought him…so official!)

After church we moseyed on over to Monterey Palace for lunch.  Nafan-Chan, Diana, Lolli Oli and Eli met us there.  The food was PHENOMENAL!  Mommy loves their crab and special steamed fish, and we had a feast, to say the least.  We rolled ourselves outta there and headed back to Mommy and Daddy’s house to hang out and for dessert. 

Playing at the restaurant – LOVE those two!

Mommy, Diana, and the kiddies!

Wendy met us at the house and we continued our celebrations.  After all the gifts, cards, hugs, kisses, dinner and tons of dessert, we concluded the blessed day, known as Mother’s Day.

  Our family photo on Mother’s Day!

My Sister-in-Law Diana and her kids, Lolli Oli and Bubbas

To my Mommy – I could write 1,000 pages or talk for days about you, and it still wouldn’t amount to what I feel in my heart for you.  My childhood, which is the foundation for who I am today, was amazing because you sacrificed your career to stay home with me.  I know I was a difficult adolescent and I’m sorry for all that I put you and Daddy through, but looking back, I see God’s faithfulness in how He provided for us and pulled us through.  Then came the college years (a lot of them J), and post college years, and most recently, my engagement and marriage to Sherwin.  Through it all, we have grown together.  The older I get, the more I appreciate you.  I admire your faithfulness to God, your unconditional love for Daddy, and the never ending support, encouragement, and love you give to your family.  You have become one of my favorite people to hang out with - a best friend, a confidant, and a praying Mommy…not to mention the BIG FUN you are!  You are full of energy  and filled with the spirit.  You bring vibrancy to my life and joy to my heart…and as the song goes…food to my soul.  Thank you for being the bestest Mommy EVER.  I love you!

And this year, an added bonus is that I have a new Mom too! 

To my Mother-in-Law – Thank you for loving me and welcoming me with open arms.  Over the past 10 years, you have quietly, but fiercely, supported Sherwin and I in our relationship.  Thank you for always cooking my favorite foods when we come home (your eggs are to die for, Mom!), for teaching me how to play Rack Attack, and for just making me feel like part of the family (even calling me daughter all these years).  I know that we are far apart in distance, but know that you are close in our hearts.  We love you very much, Mom!

In closing, the verse I wrote on my Mommy’s card…

She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.  She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.  Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:  “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”  Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.  Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
Proverbs 31:26-31

Praising the Lord for my Mommy and mommies around the world!