In my dream world, Sherwin and I, our families and friends, would all be living in New York, specifically in Manhattan. I get choked up just thinking about how awesome it would be! People tell me that I would hate the weather, get sick of the pace, and grow weary of the atmosphere, but deep in my heart, I know I would love it all…forever. I love the shopping, the long hours (both professionally and personally), the food, the theatre, the fast walkers and the fast talkers. I love Central Park and Rockefeller Center and before I die, I want to spend New Year’s Eve in Times Square and Thanksgiving on 6th Avenue (or anywhere along the parade route J).
Our family friend Carol, shares my love of New York. I was chatting with her at church a couple Sundays ago and she was telling me how she subscribes to the New York Times to get her NY fix. OMG - I can’t believe I hadn’t thought of that earlier!! Long story short, after researching online to find the best deal then trying to purchase my subscription, I ended up having to call. I found out that since the Mister is a student, I get a super discount deal – incredible, right?! I’m telling ya, God understands my love for New York and totally hooked me up. ;)
Best thing about newspaper subscription versus magazine? IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. You know how you’re all excited when you get a subscription to your fave mag, but then you have to wait like eons for your first issue? I called Wednesday and on Sunday morning, a little bit of New York was delivered to my doorstep in a blue plastic bag.
For now, I’ve just subscribed to the Sunday paper, but it brings me joy all week long. Sundays were already marvelous with church and family dinner, but now the awesomeness just starts a little earlier (at 8:30 instead of 10). J
In my real world, I love being here in California, with our families and friends and couldn’t imagine being anywhere in the world without them. Wendy once told me that home is where the people you love reside, not just where your stuff is. Since no one we love lives in New York, home is right where we are…for now…but oh how I HEART NY.
My first New York Times delivery!!
Our honeymoon destination in the travel section!

Pictures from our most recent trip in 2008.